Soal Wellness Blog

Cracking the Sleep Code: Unveiling Top Reasons and Solutions for Inadequate Sleep and Crafting a Plan for Recovery
In today’s fast-paced world, disrupted or inadequate sleep plagues a great deal of people. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that

Data-Driven Health: Why Laboratory Testing Matters in Functional Medicine
Have you ever gone to your healthcare provider for a health concern only to be told, “Everything looks normal on your blood work”? If the

Root Cause Revolution
The Rise of Functional Medicine More people than ever before are reporting dissatisfaction and sometimes even feel failed by the healthcare system. Among the top

Why Do I Always Fall Off My Diet?
Diet Culture Culture is defined as a way of life for an entire society, a belief system. Diet culture is a set of social expectations

How To Eat Guilt-Free at the Holidays
The smell of pumpkin spice lattes and pine has begun to fill the air, and holiday planning is in full swing. October through the New

Why regular walking may be the key to your best health yet!
You don’t need a health and wellness expert to tell you that cardiovascular exercise has countless benefits for your physical and mental well-being. Too often

What is Wellness Care, and Why Does it Matter?
Too often, people only make a trip to their doctor’s office when they’re sick. Or even worse, they rely only on urgent care when an

Not Another Failed New Year’s Resolution
It’s estimated that as many as 44% of Americans set New Years Resolutions, and health and wellness resolutions are among the top resolutions made. Unfortunately

How to Eat Guilt Free Through the Holidays without Gaining Weight
Pumpkin spice lattes and holiday planning are in full effect. Some love the feel of the cool fall air and changing seasons, but for countless