Primary Care

Comprehensive Primary care to Fit your Individual Needs

At Soal Wellness, the foundation for all we do is functional medicine, or a holistic approach to health. This isn’t a new concept, as the father of modern Western medicine, Hippocrates, also advocated for this method of achieving wellness, saying “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” 

We believe in treating you as an individual to understand who you are and what your body and system’s unique needs are to achieve amazing health and wellness.

Our Services

  • In-person yearly well exam
  • Telemedicine or in-person appointments
  • Prescriptions when needed
  • Access to health and nutrition coaching 
  • Electronic patient portal 
  • Health care provider messaging and chat

Your monthly membership fee includes office visits, virtual visits. 

Should you need labs, or imaging, we’re committed to keeping costs down and will help provide a list of cash pay/negotiated rates with top providers,  keeping your out-of-pocket to a minimum.

We can treat most routine and urgent needs, saving you the time and expense of visiting an Urgent Care or ER.

Primary Care Clinic in Arizona

Our approach to Primary Care vs Traditional Medicine

Too often, traditional medicine takes a one-size-fits-all approach to health care. That means that the same treatments are typically prescribed from one person to the next without the individual care and planning a person needs around health, nutrition and lifestyle. We on the other hand, take a more personalized approach. 

We work closely with our patients to identify the root cause of their health concerns and develop an individualized treatment plan focused on correcting the underlying health problem and optimizing health.  That means we will do everything possibly to figure out WHY a condition is occurring and fix the underlying problem when possible. We take a nutrition, and lifestyle, approach first and look to supplements and prescription medication when necessary. 

You will never be a nameless client in our office. We get to know each client personally and promise to never push you through your visit without a personalized plan for care.

We aim to really know you as an individual, including all the factors that play into your overall health, such as your genetics, lifestyle, and environment.

Preventative Care

Health and wellness is an overall state of vitality, not just the absence of disease or illness. Our holistic approach at Soal Wellness places a greater emphasis on preventative care than conventional medicine. Rather than just treating symptoms as they arise, we work with our clients to prevent health problems before they start. 

This proactive approach has been shown to be more effective in the long run, saving our clients time and money, and most importantly, helping them to lead fuller, healthier, and happier lives. Trust us, your health is worth investing in.


Soal Wellness provides an unmatched patient experience and outstanding results. You matter to us.

Your Premier Primary Care Medical Practice

If you’ve been frustrated with traditional medicine, and feel like your primary care provider doesn’t have the time or inclination to take a deep-dive into the underlying causes of your symptoms and illness, we can help. You deserve to feel amazing, and our holistic treatment plans can be the guide on your journey to true health and wellness. Book an appointment now.

Primary Care FAQS

At this time we are not accepting insurance. You may wish to submit receipts and billing to your insurance plan for reimbursement. In some cases full reimbursement may be made. 

Lab work is billed by each lab provider indiviudually. Insurance plans can be used for lab work. 


Yes! We do accept HSA and FSA funds.